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Dr. Irvin is no longer accepting NEW PATIENTS, please call with any questions.

Once you have established care, you can schedule with Dr. Irvin.

Accepted Insurances


We accept most major private insurances, including Humana, Blue Cross Blue Shield (most plans), United Healthcare (most plans), Cigna, Aetna (most plans), Tricare Select, UMR, GEHA, OSCAR, and Gilsbar.


We are accepting, for established patients ONLY, Community First, Aetna Better Health, and Traditional Medicaid. To see if we are in-network with your insurance plan, please contact your insurance directlyAs of 06/01/17, we are NOT accepting any Superior OR Ambetter plans.



It is the parent/guardian's responsibility to make sure that Dr. Lindsay Irvin is listed as the primary care physician (PCP) PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULED APPOINTMENT. This will allow you to see any provider in our office.

New Patient Forms

We aim to ensure that your child receives prompt medical care in a comfortable, child-friendly office setting. To help expedite the first appointment, we ask that you please bring your child's immunization records and be prepared to complete paperwork regarding your family medical history, your child's medical history, and insurance information. For your convenience, some new patient paperwork is available for download in Microsoft Word or pdf formats.  The completed forms may be brought in at your appointment or faxed at

(210) 930-8402. These may also be filled out in the office during your appointment, please arrive 10 minutes early to a new patient appointment.

Basic contact information. For information on what HIPPA is click, hereMore about this privacy agreement can be read here

Important information about
our office.
Pertinant child and familial medical history.
Explanation of what your plan may consist of how charges may incur
To transfer medical records from another office to ours.
Secure and confidential service that consolidates and stores your child’s immunization record.
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